Owe Less Qualifying Questionnaire Qualifying Questions Name Name First First Last Last Email Are you currently self employed? * Yes No Do you currently own any LLCs, LPs or Corporations that aren't publicly traded? * Yes No If you don't the answer to this, it is no. Are you currently in bankruptcy proceedings? * Yes No Are you involved in any lawsuits? * Yes No Are you expecting any insurance payouts or inheritances? * Yes No Have you lived outside of the US for more than 6 months in the last 10 years? * Yes No In the past 10 years, have you given away anything worth more than 10,000 for less than full value? * Yes No For example, have you given your children a piece of property for free or less than market price? Do you own any property or assets outside of the United States? * Yes No Submit Start Over If you are human, leave this field blank.